Sponsorship Gift Registry

Donate to a Cause

Operation costs make up the majority of our event budget. We've created this sponsorship option for those that would like to see how their sponsorship is directly, tangibly supporting our event and its many operating costs. Becoming a donor in this registry will allow you to receive:

We are doing our best to estimate expenses and any funds raised beyond the actual costs will go to Carver County Pride's general operating fund.

Sponsor a Drag Artist


Thank you, Lydia Nass for sponsoring a Drag Artist!!

Thank you, Sarah Rother for sponsoring a Drag Artist!!

Sponsor Drag Bingo


Sponsor Drag Bingo Prizes - 

You donate, we will purchase gift cards for every donation made!


Thank you, Gwen Carlson for sponsoring Drag Bingo Prizes!!

Sponsor Decorations / Art Supplies


Thank you, Sarah Prescher for sponsoring Decorations & Art Supplies!!

Thank you, Bridget McMahon for sponsoring Decorations & Art Supplies!!

Sponsor the Cornhole Tournament


Thank you, Morels & Memories for sponsoring a portion of the Cornhole Tournament!!

Sponsor Trash Collection and

